27 janeiro 2005


Do blog Que Universidade? extraímos esta lista de capacidades, "a desenvolver nos estudantes para que adquiram pensamento crítico":

1. To consciously raise the questions: What do we know…? How do we know…? What is the evidence for…? when studying some body of material or approaching a problem.
2. To recognize when a conclusion is reached (or a decision made) in the absence of complete information, and to be able to tolerate the ambiguity and uncertainty.
3. To discriminate between observation and inference, between established fact and subsequent conjecture.
4. To recognize the necessity of using only words of prior definition, rooted in shared experience, in forming a new definition, and to avoid being misled by technical jargon.
5. To probe for assumptions behind a line of reasoning.
6. To draw inferences from data, observations, or other evidence and to recognize when firm inferences cannot be drawn.
7. To perform hypothetico-deductive reasoning; i.e. given a particular situation, to apply relevant knowledge of principles and constraints and to visualize, in the abstract, the plausible outcomes that might result from changes imposed on the system.
8. To discriminate between inductive and deductive reasoning.
9. To test one’s own line of reasoning and conclusions for internal consistency.
10. To develop self-consciousness concerning one’s own thinking and reasoning processes.

AArons, (1985). Critical Thinking and the Baccalaureat Curriculum, Liberal Education 71: 141-157. (citado por KBain, (2004). In: "What the best college teachers do", (pp. 224), Harvard University Press, pp.85-86).

A qualidade do sistema de justiça português seria melhor se todos interiorizássemos esta pequena lista de "competências"...

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